I am new here, but have been lurking and reading for several weeks now. I have learned so much from everyone who has been through all of the testing that we are about to start. I was just wondering...our 5 1/2 yr old will be taking the WIAT II in the next couple of weeks. We don't know where he stands as far as LOG, but we have decided to do the WIAT first, and then the WISC when he turns 6. I guess my question is, how much does the WIAT test things like reading comprehension and spelling, given his age? He is probably reading around a 5th grade level, just going by the books he chooses and his STAR test to take AR at school. But I assume that that since most 5 yr olds are not reading, they would test things like letter recognition, etc at that age. So do they keep going up a level until he gets a certain number wrong, or will he not do reading comprehension at all?

Sorry if this doesn't make any sense to those of you who are more familiar with the tests. I am just not sure what to expect, but am hoping that he will not hit any sort of a ceiling, but it will actually show sort of a "reading grade level". We have no idea if he is really very far ahead in other things, but verbally we know that he is.

Thanks for any help!