Originally Posted by Wyldkat
Originally Posted by Breakaway4
The teacher actually used these examples to show me how he was NOT gifted. Not to say these are brilliant answers but they show that he did read the ad and did think about the answers he just hadn't learned the trick yet of knowing the "expected" answer.

This just had a room of three adults gaping like fish at the stupidity of the teacher. In fact several minutes later my husband is still stunned that the teacher said your son's answers were wrong since they were probably better than what he was 'supposed' to answer. I personally was rolling on the floor at their reactions.

ETA: He was STILL amazed by it and commenting on it around a half an hour later...

The teacher said they would be incorrect on the MCAS (state tests) and simply showed his immaturity. Luckily we changed schools soon after. Unfortunately we have another teacher (now 4th grade) who has a similar attitude.

I think we need to set up a foundation to provide financial aid to people for homeschooling. :-)