I need some information on Auditory processing. DS4 1/2 was diagnosed with Apraxia at 3. A year of speech therapy and he talks great. I have major issues with his listening skills. He's not the kind of child to blatantly disregard someone who is speaking to him. He's a very happy, very helpful little man. He follows directions well, until someone seemingly flips a switch.........
Turn 180 degrees and you have a little boy who for all intents and purposes acts like he is deaf. He's had his hearing tested twice and it's fine. I'm wondering if since he had a verbal processing condition, it would be resonable to think he has auditory process issues as well. Is one related to the other? Should I be looking at something else entirely?

Speak people!! I need some ideas!

Mom to DS 10, DS 11, DS 13
Ability doesn't make us, Choices do!