My DS7 (who has been accelerated 2 years) was quite agitated last night and after lots of small talk about his day I finally got to the bottom of things...

They were waiting for a lesson when one of the boys (all boys mentioned here other than my DS are 9 or 10) started pinching and picking on one of the other boys because of something he had done (my DS does not know what this was). My DS likes the boy who was being picked on and stood between them to try to stop the fighting. The boy doing the pinching then put both hands around my DS's neck tightly and my DS tried to push him away, the boy then punched my DS full in the stomach. DS said that at this point he was doubled over in pain and he then withdrew and stood near the girls, at which point the teacher arrived! The teacher does not know what happened.

I am absolutely furious with what has happened, but how do I go about dealing with it - is this normal "boy behaviour" for the older age group? I don't like the idea of children who are so much bigger hurting my DS but I do understand that teachers can't be present all the time and I also don't want the school to blame the acceleration for the problem as my DS is generally so much happier at school(not that they would blame the acceleration but I don't want to cause problems). Has anyone else dealt with a similar situation?

Any thoughts greatly appreciated...