We had the same problem with our DS7. It started in Kindergarten and continued though first grade. The school was completely against giving advanced work until the child completed the grade level work. In our case, this was a huge problem because our child simply refused to do work that he'd proven he could do. The principal countered with eliminating recesses until the work was completed in a timely manner. Her solution only made matters worse. With no physical/social outlet, he just spiraled into despair. We ended up pulling him out of public school and I am now homeschooling him.

I hope you have better luck with your school system. I know from reading this board that there are a lot of understanding, truly helpful school administrators out there. You may be lucky enough to be in one of those districts. smile

Also, you may want to read When Gifted Students Don't Have all the Answers (I think that's the name!). It talks about the underachievement scenario and how dangerous it is to these bright children.