I actually got some of the "Model Me" videos; and my DS watched them while riding in the car with me. They are kind of dry; but present specific situations, point out certain things in the situations as being "good," or "this is the right way to do it," "see how she waited her turn," "see how he didn't get upset when he said no when he asked to share, and then used a different marker - this was good," etc. Probably not interesting enough for a child to sit on the sofa at home and watch (but possibly); but when they are trapped in their carseat, they are a good fit. I can tell that my DS4.5 now really was taking in what they were saying (about 1 yr-6mths ago - but has chosen to watch them again recently). The kids in the videos who are doing the acting are normal, nice kids who are about 12 yrs old. I would recommend them for real life skills. Hope it helps. I couldn't really find any books myself.

Mom to DS6