I am so glad that someone else has these experiences too. It blows my mind how DD4.5 can thoroughly grasp the History of Ancient India and the origins of Hinduism and Buddhism, and then on her own relate the similarities of the Jade Burial Suits of the Ancient Chinese and the sarcophagi of the Ancient Egyptians.
Then not 5 minutes later pitch a royal hissy fit (tears and pouty face followed by angry face and incoherent babbling/crying), because the �pretend plastic vanilla ice cream cone needs, NEEDS, NEEDS to be put in our real freezer�. I simply reminded her about the house rules of "no toys in the appliances" and she then snaps out of it with a "oh, yeah...I remember now" and wipes her snotty nose on her sleeve and takes her ice cream to her playroom without another care in the world.

What the heck is that about? LOL

PS - Of course I did follow her and solicit the appropriate apology for her over-reaction, followed by a 5 minute sit down snack consisting of a "delicious bowl of not-so-frozen-solid pretend vanilla ice cream" (her exact words) LOL