My son used EPGY math when he was younger and loved it. It also provided me with documentation to provide the school. I was able to use that documentation to get the school to give my son the end of year test. You should be able to get the scope and sequence for each course taught in your school from your school board. You can compare that to the scope and sequence provided for each EPGY course.

The EPGY math courses for the elementary grades covers more than what is covered in most schools for that same grade. This software is designed for gifted math students so it has material that prepares them for higher level math. Sets are an example of something that gets covered very briefly in school but is covered more extensively in EPGY. Another is proofs of solving equations that you will see on EPGY but probably not at your school.

The ability to learn math though EPGY was a lifesaver for my son. He is now 13 and is about to take the Calc 2 challenge exam at the state university.