Socially he is ok. He generally seems happy though I'm not sure he has any really close friends. There is a group he plays with but can't tell if they are truly buddies or if he's a guy they tolerate, kwim? Most of them are in Scouts together but he doesn't get called for many playdates. It doesn't bother him or he doesn't notice.

His sister is his best friend but not sure she shares any of his interests. They do great make believe stuff but she's much more artistically oriented.

I'll have to look around for some of those other enrichments, sounds right up his alley. He discovered the periodic table in a book the other day so he's found another part of science he wants to explore.

He did tell me when we were talking about school the other day that he feels like parts of his brain are empty and he needs to fill them or those parts will die. I'm not quite sure what to make of that.

Thanks for the advice. I did find a gifted seminar in our area in Feb so plan to check that out. I like a challenge, I just wish I didn't feel like if I don't make the very best choices, he's the one that suffers!