DS5 has always had those overexcitabilities, some more than others. He doesn't really have anxiety much at all, but has sound sensitivity and perfectionism....and overal goofiness if that counts. Some things have gotten significantly better. Like he used to have major sounds sensitivities, even as an infant. He used to cry when our friends would come over when some of them had loud laughs, it was quite amusing. He has always had excellent hearing too...but thankfully that and some of the other things have gotten better. He still has significant perfectionistic tendencies, and I attribute that generally to his own self drive and to the fact that he has not been wrong much in his life (academically speaking, he is clearly wrong about other things and in behavior at times). He is in first grade and skipped K, they are giving him some work that is several grade levels ahead (and some that unfortunately is way below what they should be giving him..but they are trying) and he always gets all his work right, every single problem. He has never not gotten 100% on his spelling tests, etc. So when he is doing algebra or something on the computer and he gets one problem wrong he starts to get emotional at times and says "I am not good at this." It is quite frustrating, because he is doing so well. His school arranged for a math professor from a local university to meet with him recently to discuss his program and how to meet his needs. He said that he was playing a game with the math professor and that he didn't like it because he never did win and the professor always did. He couldn't figure out why he couldn't win, and then assumes that he is not good at things. he still loves to challenge himself in spite of this, but I worry that he will lose that if he is not challenged more.