We're former homeschoolers, current have our PG-ID'd child (age 9) in private school for the first time this year with one grade skip (4th into 5th), as well as additional subject acceleration. It's not working, and we're considering other options for the future.

Today, I met with the curriculum/instruction supervisor at our local school district. I emailed her our son's WISC/WIAT report in advance. She is a very strong gifted advocate who is sadly retiring at the winter break this year. I am hustling to get our GWR and GIEP arranged, if possible, before she retires. She is VERY interested in helping us find a good approach; she said that she's only seen scores like this once or twice in 35 years, and she recognizes our quandry. We are under no obligation to enroll our son in the public school if the GIEP is not a fit, but if it is, we would possibly be open to a mid-year school switch.

Based on his education history and his IQ/achievement scores, she said that there are several options, including having him mainstreamed full-time in 9th grade (with obvious social caveats) with various classes at whatever his learning level is within the high school, mainstreamed in 6th grade with most academic accommodation coming from 8th grade gifted classes (pull-outs) and high school classes, mainstreamed in 8th grade with some classes at the high school, or a variety of other permutations.

Has anyone here dealt with radical acceleration with additional single subject acceleration? We're looking at a minimum of 2+ for the base grade (with pullouts for most subjects), with the possibility of 4+ or 5+ as the base grade. 1+ with a math pullout is definitely NOT working. While the academic part is critical, so is the social part, and that is what concerns me. She did mention having him excused from health class if he was mainstreamed as a 9th grader, since health class discusses date rape, birth control and abortion options, and so on, topics that would not be appropriate for a just-turned-10yo child.

But I'm also concerned about the day-to-day practical social stuff. Middle school is not a kind place. But high school might be too much of a leap--if we go with a mid-year switch, he would be skipping most of 5th grade and all of 6th/7th/8th grades. I still want him to have friend-friends, if that makes sense, friends he can hang out with after school, invite to his birthday party, etc. If he's in high school full-time, I don't see that happening. We just moved to this area a few weeks ago, and he doesn't have any local friends yet.

Any feedback or advice is much appreciated!

ps: We're in PA, Philly metro area.

Last edited by czechdrum; 11/09/09 01:35 PM.