My just-6-year-old son, who is in the 99th+ percentile on the WPPSI, is having some sensory issues at school (kindergarten). He feels there are too many kids in the classroom (18), it is too loud during quiet time, etc. He had these problems to a certain extent during preschool, too. The school so far is being supportive and suggests we send him for an OT evaluation for Sensory Integration Disorder.

I'm wondering: does it matter to what extent can we ascribe his overstimulation and behaviors to a possible SID diagnosis, or to Dabrowski's Overexcitabilities? Do "treatments" for his troubles differ depending on the source? I do think he needs some sort of help or treatment in order to be fully successful at school, as his symptoms are interfering with his comfort there. Do I need an OT familiar with giftedness and Dabrowski?

It seems there is a lot of awareness about SID, less about giftedness, so if the diagnosis really doesn't matter, and the treatment is the same, that's great. But if there is a difference, I'm hoping you can give me some advice on how to handle it.

Thank you!