I don't have experience exactly like your situation, but I give one idea. It sounds like he is having some very big feelings/sensitivity to his situation. It may help to have him talk to you more. Try to get into a routinue of asking him about his day every day. Try to just let him talk without any judgement or solution from you. Talking lets those feelings be external and helps the feelings get smaller. Getting lots of fresh air and exercise goes a long way to relive anxiety. Is he involved in some sports?

I tell my kids that I would love him no matter how smart they are. It's ok to make mistakes. Try to be an example of forgiving your own mistakes.

I would look for someone experience in gifted over a guidance couselor or school psychologist to get help if you think you need it. I hope this helps. Hugs.

Last edited by onthegomom; 11/09/09 08:32 AM.