
My 6yo DD wants a netbook for xmas, so that she can do some writing in Word, play with some programs, do some Scratch programming, lookup stuff on Google, print drawings, etc., She has been using our own PCs for years, and feels like it would be easier for her to have her own. I think she wants a netbook because it's smaller and maybe "cuter" than a grown-up laptop.

I am fine with the overall idea, and will take care of the monitoring part, so the issue is mostly about usability and compatibility with existing applications.

I want an XP system, absolutely NOT Vista or Windows 7, and my budget is about $400, possibly more if really justified. I can find both netbooks and laptops online with XP for that price.

Does anyone have experience with netbooks use for young children, and if they can run most programs without a problem?
Any suggestion for features to look for, and pros and cons of some models vs. others?
