My DS6(1st Grade) and DD9(3rd Grade) feel Saxon Math is too slow for them. I have heard that it is very slow paced and has a spiraling effect of learning which could be very good for someone who needs this. My son could do Multiplication, Division and 4 digit addition in K. He is gifted. My DD has not been tested. I would not recommend this Math for Gifted. Although, like in our case some adjustments could help make it more tolerable. Teaching Gifted Children in the regular classroom has other suggestions with Saxon too. (I would borrow this book from the library before you decide to buy. I found it to be helpful but many ideas are too hard to impliment in our school.)

My DS in 3rd Grade has tested above grade level in Math. This year they are allowing him to skip side B of the daily worksheet and letting him go ahead of class on side A. Some of the work he is doing feels very babyish because he could do it in K. School lets him work on his Mindware Math Workbook when he has extra time. This helps a lot adding depth to Math during his day. The gifted teacher is doing 4th Grade Math wih him and another child, allowing him to skip some not needed work. This has been going very well. I do not think it would work if my DS was just skipped to 4th Grade because it would be too slow.

Last edited by onthegomom; 11/05/09 07:15 AM.