I was quivering at the thought of asking this question on the "regular" parenting boards because I know their answer will be "don't let him help then" "that's dangerous" smirk While I'm at it I'll tell him there is no Santa Claus either...

So we're expecting a new baby in 2 months now. DS is 18months old now & tries to help with EVERYTHING!! He loves helping me switch over the laundry, get plates for the table & just started helping me with the dishes (I use the term 'helping' pretty loosely here...). So I know when we have his little brother he's going to want to help!

I've been WRACKING my brain thinking about how I'm going to make this work!!

He can't help with food time (breastfeeding), I don't even want to think of the mess with diaper changes, although "can you get me a diaper?" might be possible, we'll see. Bath-time, NO WAY!! Although Lucas can certainly sit beside me and splash in the water a little. Other then that, newborns really don't DO much. I'm sure Lucas would love to be carrying around his little brother, and trying to entertain him :S.

We had some practice as my cat had a kitten... it was a good experience for Lucas! He learned what GENTLE means, and that kittens don't always have go back in their kennels ALL the time laugh. Also that cat's don't like it when you hold them upside down by their back legs... See, he was 'helping' by returning the kitten to his home ALL the time. He still frequently brings the kitten to us, but at least now it's right-side-up with two arms around the kitten's belly (most of the time...)

I think the babe is going to spend allot of time in the play-gym just to keep him away from Lucas & his helping ways; but I know that also is going to mean he'll be buried in an avalanche of toys that Lucas tries to give him...

*sigh* I'm going to have my hands full!!!

Any suggestions for Big-Brother tasks for a little but very bright and helpful guy?