Thanks for responding. My DD goes to 1/2 day Kindergarten (2.5 hours) - it is very play based & often includes recess. She is loving it (the interaction with other kids) so far. The school she attends only goes through grade 2 so I doubt any type of subject acceleration would help especially since the grade above her is unusually big.

I'm not really sure what I am looking for for her. I think I am pretty realistic in understanding the limits of our public schools. Basically I don't want her to be totally bored (I don't oject to a little boredom!) and I want her to develop a good work ethic & some nice skills in terms of analysis and organization.

Based on some of my reading, I plan on asking about whether the school "clusters" gifted kids in the hopes that she might find someone at her level - I've heard rumors that there is at least one boy. And I plan on asking about differentiation, if it happens & if particular teachers are more reliable about it. My DD happens to be pretty independent so I will ask about math packets (not sure what a proper term would be) that can be self-paced.

I guess I'm just looking for any ideas that an in-class teacher could do, if she had the time, energy, will - I've read something about "extension"? projects and something about "curriculum compacting"? but haven't yet found a source that describes all those kinds of things.