Yes, I do point out the incorrect answers and ask her to try again. (I usually try to frame it as "oops!" rather than a reprimand, though.) I also sometimes grade her homework so that she can understand what getting 6 out of ten wrong means, for instance.

I do sometimes sit with her to do homework, redirecting as Katelyn's mom suggests. Other times I simply am in the room, supervising generally and helping when she gets stuck. She almost never completes assignments all alone in her room or wherever. We try to help her with homework habits (prompting her to empty her folder as soon as she gets home, use an agenda to keep track of assignments, and check to make sure she has papers before she goes to school).

We also spend a few minutes every day doing math practice (flashcards or whatever), reinforcing the idea that continuous practice helps solidify such skills.

So I feel like we are doing the obvious stuff toward modeling good habits and the like. What have we missed?