Dh and I filled those out, as well as ds and a couple of teachers, for a very thorough assessment we had last year for ds, 8 at the time. It's been a while, but I think there are questions on it that might indicate add, aspergers, mood disorders, and probably other stuff.
I thought it was a pretty good assessment, though long, iirc. In the end we had 'normal' ratings from both teachers, myself and ds. Dh's and my ratings were a bit higher but not much. I thought it was good that they took this information from so many people, it helps you get a bit of a 'sanity' check. That is, even if mine was a little high on attention issues, when the teachers both rated ok on this, I felt a lot better that we were getting a broader picture of our ds.

Last edited by chris1234; 10/24/09 05:39 AM.