Originally Posted by JDAx3
Originally Posted by Taminy
However, I have to say that I was a long division disaster--so many sequential steps, so little patience on my part....
LOL...long division doesn't bother me too much. And actually, it seems that DS has taken to it pretty well (for a method that has to be shown on paper). But those partial quotients are just crazy for us. I had to sit here for a minute and actually think about how I do division in my head and it goes something like long division, but I 'see' it, if that makes any sense. I just can't 'see' the partial-quotient method.

I don't know why that particular one stumps me, but it does. Maybe it's because the setup is the same as long division or at least that's how DS has shown me. Of course, if DS has it wrong, that could explain a lot grin. Thank goodness the teacher lets the kids use their "best method" on tests.

GS10's school uses Math Investigations. It uses something like that 'partial quotients' but GS10 called it something else. It is slooooowwwwwww. His math teacher has added in Sikore math sheets for practicing adding/subtracting/dividing/multiplying. GS10 was resisting it because of the dividing. I saw what he was doing and then showed him long division the way I learned. All of a sudden he was flying through the sheet. His teacher saw what he was doing and said as long as he understood what he was doing, it was OK. She also said, "I guess your grandma showed you that, too." grin