I just had my IEP with my sons school, he made it into the gifted program and explained to me all about these scores but It is so much information, that Im not sure I have it all straight. I also had my 3 year old with me, so I am sure I missed something. I hear talk about a FSIQ score, how do I know what that is from this book of test scores the evaluator gave me?
There are scores in here for

Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Fourth Edition
Diagnostic Achievement Battery Third edition
Woodcock-Johnson Test of Achievement Third edition
Structure of the intellect Primary (don't know if thats a test or what)

I know he was very figgity after the 2nd day and hurried through the end, and didn't do well on some parts that are timed because he had to explain his answers. I also know he had problem with some money questions. I guess I just want to try and understand this better and what all these numbers mean. Any help would be great, just tell me what numbers from what sections you would need to get the FSIQ score.
Thank you