Hi - I've recently found this site and have been reading/lurking.
I'm trying to determine what we should do with my DS5.

He is in K and enjoying it but definitely gets bored with the work since even his 4 yr old sister can do most of it. I emailed the principal to start talking about options for next year and am waiting (very impatiently since I emailed Friday afternoon) to hear back from him to see what my options might be.

He was tested at 3 1/2 by the school district (suspected ADHD as a possible cause for lack of eye contact and behavior and we wanted to know if that was the case so we could work with him on those areas in a better manner). They did the DAS-II and I am wondering if I should have the school (new district) do a new test since he is now over 5?
Here are his scores(using the Standard Score) from then:
GCA 137 99%
Verbal 143 99.8%
Nonverbal Reasoning 128 97%
Spatial 120 (mostly due to writing/copying ability at the time) 90%

I assume these scores will be rather different from now (some higher/some lower) due to age but not sure if we need to retest or just show the school he was already tested?

Any help would be great, I would like to not dread next year and am already feeling that way (a whole 2 months into the school year...).

He gets bored and does things very very slowly or gets distracted very easily. Yet when it interests him he'll keep it up and finish very quickly. His reading level according to the Star Reading test is 2.3 (sometime in Sept of this year)