It sounds like your DS is really motivated to make class work for him. This healthy attitude and a plan that he is vested in sounds like he is doing what is going to be good for him, for his whole life!

Our son is on Vyvanse, and the reason we decided to try it was because we could see depression creeping in from the feeling of being overwhelmed. Our DS is very "out of the box" and the medication does not subdue his creativity at all. If you ever get closer to making that decision, I imagine you'll do what we all seem to do and read everything you can find about the options. I am a big believer in meds when they're the right choice, but I would absolutely not go for a medication with a happy, motivated child. It sounds to me like you and your DS are working as a team to face issues head on. My guess would be that it is the school environment that is not what it should be, not your child.

On that note, since when do GT teachers "choose" who will be in their classes? Or the classroom teacher for that matter? Granted, I might not push to get my son into a classroom with a teacher who didn't want him, but I think access to GT Ed is a right, not just a privilege. I'm still amazed at how many GT teachers I read about on this forum who don't seem to have much understanding of giftedness. And remember, an "easy" life is not necessarily the best one for any kid. smile
