I asked DS tonight what he thought the purpose of school was for him. He said , "I think it's to review the stuff I learned a long time ago. I guess it's to make sure I can do it really fast without thinking about it. I wish they would give me harder things so I could learn something new there." Is that truly sad, or am I just really tired?

I told him that if they don't start giving him harder things, I'd start giving him some things at home a few times a week. I could tell from his expression that he's a bit worried I might reduce his time for climbing trees, reading books, playing chess, drawing, and other stuff he likes to give him more boring "school time."

What things have you introduced to your child that were TRULY challenging (** he might actually fail on the first try **) that were also a lot of fun? I want this to be academic stuff, because he knows other areas of life can be a challenge. He just thinks that schoolwork/academics will always be easy for him. He likes reading, geography, spelling, history and science. He's not a real math enthusiast, although he's good at it.

Frankly, I'm maxed out with life in general, so I'd be looking for things that are not so complicated that we have to take days and days to do a project. I'm hoping to spend a few hours a week doing something, and maybe we'll do more if everyone's happy with it.

Thanks for being here, and for having already BTDT!