Our ds9 is newly enrolled (8 days!)in a school geared for highly capable students. He has very poor handwriting, but is quite articulate via the keyboard.

His main teacher also teaches the humanities courses. He has denied letting our son use the keyboard to compose (refused credit for work done on the computer) and yesterday indicated that he didn't "have to do any accomodation because they (the school) don't accept federal funding" and "if a child has a (LD) they don't (sic) belong here as this is a highly capable school"

Help! Our son has already completely tuned this teacher out and this man seems seriously angry. We got a 2 page email yesterday threatening ds with non passing grades for the midterm... and he's been there 8!!!! days!

I have written all his other teachers to see how he's doing in all other areas of the school, and 3 have responded so far with "he's somewhat distracted but doing fine"

What can I do????? I am just sick.