Originally Posted by st pauli girl
Originally Posted by rdrsquared guy
Originally Posted by shellymos
They said it wouldn't even make sense to put him in a group of 2nd graders for reading because he is so far above that.

I disagree with this. In every class you will have some working at grade level, some behind, and some ahead. By putting him with the 2nd graders there is a better chance of finding someone working closer to his level and therefore someone he could potentially be grouped with. Clearly not the ideal scenario but possibly an improvement from the current one.

I am starting the think this way too, rdrsquared.

Count me in here too, for all the same reasons.

Also, second grade reading is more interesting than first grade reading: they read actual stories, for example. So even if the reading is too easy, at least it will have a plot he can pay attention to.

As for the second grade skip and my DS: he's only a month into it right now, but so far so good. The work is definitely good, and he gets along with the kids so far.

My DD skipped K this year and it's kind of working out that she does 1st in the morning and 2nd in the afternoon. It just kind of happened. She does 2nd grade reading (still kind of easy). The teacher thought she'd try her in second grade phonics and she gave her a worksheet from mid-second and she got 100% on one side, but did less well on the other (fill in the blanks). I'm not sure how well she understood what she had to do. In any event, the teacher decided it was good enough to start her at the beginning of 2nd grade phonics. She also put her in in 2nd grade spelling, which is a challenge for her, but not outrageously so. So far, it seems okay.

If you're trying to decide about another skip, you might want to get a copy of the Iowa Acceleration Manual on half.com.
