Hi Kriston,

Sounds like our two are on opposite paths - When Tigger (6.10) started school almost 2 years ago we thought he was smart in a general way but in the space of a school year he went from early readers to Charlotte's Web (with no teaching that we are aware of) - just picked up books and read. So when he was moved schools at our first meeting we told them we thought he just had strengths in reading and spelling but just as soon as we said that - wham he found math and telling the time (which drives me mad as there is no such thing as an estimated time in our house now -it has to be to the exact minute, my head hurts, I'm much slower than he is!) We also had a fascinating bath last night where we covered off all the times tables and he wants to learn the 13's but what I found really interesting is that he hasn't learnt them all off by heart yet but I grilled him on how he works them out just as quick and it was really amazing to hear his different methods depending on the sum. Anyone testing him on his tables would not realise that they are not memorised.

What,s the betting when your DS is ready he'll pick up books and just read and then you'll think like we did that he's just been kidding all along and has been secretly reading for ages.

Also we do notice that if he is having a growth spurt and eating more there is less focus on wanting to learn new things.