Hi, well, after a quick school change for DD6, grade 2, out of a public school with a one day a week pullout gt class, into a private school with no gt services we have come across a few "interesting" situations with DD's new teacher.
First, let me preface this with saying that DD is being challenged in her new school, the teacher is bending over backwards trying to accomodate her and DD is starting to warm up to her. (She's a cautious one with her trust.) smile
The problem we have is that Ms. S. (teacher) thinks that because DD is highly gifted and so much more advanced than any other student she has ever had that she should always make choices based on giving herself the harder option of work. For example, when given an option of doing a simple grammar multiple choice worksheet, and a more difficult one that requires writing, DD chose the easier one. Ms S didn't know what to do - she was amazed that DD didn't choose to challenge herself! Another time she mentioned to me that she didn't know what to do with DD about the books she chooses to read during silent reading. DD's level is gr 5, but she chooses to read the easy little books in the room instead. (DD will read anything, and the more "pretty" the book the better.)
We told Ms S before DD moved into her class that she has never been challenged before, so we really don't have any idea how she will react, but that she will not act out in class and Ms S will not know if things are too easy for her unless she asks. We also told her about the intensities and perfectionism and all sorts of other things relevant to DD's personality. Yet, she seems to be stuck on all of her own ideas about how a GT kid is "suppose" to act in an academic situation. crazy
I was wondering how do others deal with this? I know how hard it is to break these notions, but I think DD's doing a pretty good job blowing up all of them smirk

Sorry this is so long.