I'm new to this forum and I would like to know you all's opinion. I am going through the process to have my son tested. Ever since he was an infant he seemed to be really observant and fully aware of his surroundings. He was really good at problem solving by the time he was 1. He never wanted anyone to teach him how to do things, he would watch everyone then want to teach himself. He even developed his own sign language to tell me when he was hungry, sleepy, or wanted his pacifier.

He displayed an advanced musical ability since he was a baby. He is now 4 and in Pre-k. His teachers think he has a sensory issue and ASD and that's because he is always "making music" and has no interest in the kids in his class. His emotions seem like those of an older child. His comprehension and memory are amazing. He learned all of his colors, letters, numbers, shapes, etc. by the time he was 3. He has an interesting sense of humor and interested in how things work for example, how the washer and dryer works. He is always concerned about how others feel, almost overly emotional and gets over stimulated when in large groups.

He interacts very well with the adults and older kids. He is in speech therapy and because he throws horrible tantrums when he is told what to do or that he has to stop doing something, the teachers want him to have behavioral therapy.

I'm so overwhelmed at this point and after doing research believe he is gifted and not all of these other things the teachers say he might be.

I know my son is well beyond his age with music. I have never seen a child his age have an ability like he does with my own eyes.

Does anyone else think he may be gifted or just have ASD and a bad attitude?

Please help.