DW is really eying Descartes' Cove... After DS is finished with this game, we'll probably get Cove. However, I'm guessing that Evolver will last us until at least Christmas as DS only really plays it during the weekends and likes replaying levels.

Each mission/level (of which there are 20) covers between 1 and 3 math concepts. They are covered pretty well in the game, but I wouldn't say that it's instructional. I'd place it in the category of a game that uses concepts that you'd ordinarily learn in school. For example, when they do order of operations ("PEMDAS") they do explain it and you have to use your knowledge of order of operation to complete the level. At the end there is a brief "quiz" that is required to complete the mission. I was okay with this because either DS was getting enough out of the game to figure it our, or I would just spend a moment or two and explain something to him.

After seeing what they offer online, I'll probably have him do the lessons there first, then play the level. When you go to the learning center area they provide you with typically 1 (but as many as 3) flash based games that I would say are much more focused on instruction and review of a given concept. I've said to DW, gee I wish THIS is what he was doing for homework! They go into more detail and relate directly to the level in the game and concepts covered there. The virtual "manipulatives" that I've seen so far are SOOOOOO much better than what DS is getting in school.

Between the game and the online learning center, I don't think you're missing a whole lot that would be covered in pre-algebra. Part of what I've been worried about with DS is that when we informally talk about math, I'm probably skipping concepts. The game has been pretty good about making sure you cover all of it.