My child is 9. He was diagnosed at 3.5 years with Childhood Apraxia of Speech. He has been receiving speech at the elementary school ever since. He has expressive and receptive delays. He now speaks very clearly, we're just working on the letter 'r'.
But... I wonder how the processing issue effects him in other ways. Just responding to someone when they shout Hello to him from across the hall, or saying good morning to the teacher as he enters the classroom. Approaching friends to ask them to play. Just being able to "banter" back and forth with friends. Although he is very smart: honor roll all year in third grade, past advanced on the Standards of Learning in History and Math (scored a perfect 600 on History). His Naglieri test are in the 90 percentile ranks. But for some reason he is not qualifying for gifted and talented. I'm in the process of appealing and finding out more. I wonder how his non-verbal skills have affected his testing as well as social skills. I'm in a quandry at the moment.