Hi Dazed&Confused,

Thanks for replying to my post. When I approached the Head of the Lower School this past summer she discouraged me from teaching my DD any concepts they had not yet learned in school. She told me this would only confuse her or make her bored in class and that there was no benefit since she would learn it at school eventually anyway. I thought this was definitely not in my DD best interest. When I spoke with her current math teacher a few weeks ago she was fortunately supportive of my teaching her accelerated math at home, after school, or on the weekends. She even gave me some resources such as the Aleks website and suggested the Saxon Math homeschool series. Recently, my DD has been meeting with a tutor once a week and is quickly progressing through a 5th grade math review book. When I tested her with the Saxon Homeschool Middle Grades Placement Test she scored well enough to begin their Math 7/6 book which is their 6th grade math book. I wish her school had a gifted or pull out program for subject acceleration. I have heard that in Middle School (6th, 7th and 8th) it would be a lot easier for her to take math with older students since they change classes for all subjects. I think that if I can work with her at home this year and next year she will eventually be able to work at an advanced level at school and not have to do extra work at home. Do you think the EPGY accelerated math course would be a good fit for her? I can register her through the Northwestern CTD program but it is expensive. My plan is to enroll her in the the EPGY course instead of her tutor since he is very expensive. I have just sent a PM to melmichigan to see if I can join the EPGY open enrollment EPGY group that was started by other members a few weeks back. If it is full I will go ahead and enroll her through CTD. Any input from other members is greatly appreciated!