Dear Grinity:
It is always helpful to me to find out what hadn't been clear to my readers. Thank you for expressing it so clearly for me. I am talking about information and understanding, not small muscle control. I am definitely not talking about handwriting -- or any writing at all - for the typical EG/PG little boy, either! I am talking about concepts, understanding, conversation, and absorbing of the material. I should add that I don't recommend radical acceleration except carefully by some subjects, primarily math. I recommend ability grouping as classroom of choice (rare to find, of course) because the natural immaturities and physical realities make it incredibly problematic to move little kids up too fast to work with more physically mature children. This is one of the reasons Leta Hollingworth talked about how the worst times for PG kids are the school years leading up to age ten. After age ten, the physical issues of handwriting, for example, are no longer a big deal or something that holds the child back.

Just so you know, while I love sharing my information and ideas, I really don't spend a lot of time on any lists or social networks due to lack of time. Please don't be offended if I don't continue to check back:-)
