Thank for your referral to Schwab Learning.... Great website...

I am falling apart.... family in crisis... but I'll get through it....

Going thru this... I don't know what I'm doing...
I've got a high school senior... Merit scholar with 3 full rides... deciding he wants to take a year off.... buy a 17 year old pickup truck and get a "menial" job....and be a volunteer fireman.... OMG!

I've got a newborn baby who's completely high need! Out straight.....

A daughter with Lyme Disease... and falling apart... and then of course my DS going thru this IEP process....

I need 10 more hands and a few more brains to help with the next few weeks.... aggg...

smile I know it can be a lot worse... so I'll try to move thru it with some perspective...

Thanks for everything....