
My DD6 took the WISC last week and the WJ today. We will meet next week to get the full results, report, observations, etc. Tester briefly mentioned that she (1st grade) breezed through some areas, getting to 6th/7th grade level in some reading parts. She had said they would take 1 to 1.5 hours, and she finished at 2.25. Tester said that it was slower since her handwriting is still cumbersome (probably age appropriate).

I asked her if I could peek at the WISC results before waiting another week. She showed me, and I don't remember all, but got an idea. She had an 18 and a 19 in the VC area, and her VC score (don't remember number) got to 99.6%. I asked her about extended scores and she did not know about them. She asked me to email the technical report. I will also send her the GAI report in case she had not calculated it.

So, my question is, until I get the detailed report. Is it possible/likely that using extended norms in those 2 subtests that she'd reach the 99.9?

After the test, my DD asked me a couple of questions she had not answered. 2/3 words she asked me about are words that she uses regularly in her first language. I think she is pretty much on level with her English, but apparently she is not quite there.

As a positive, she enjoyed both experiences very much. Much more so than when she did the WPPSI before she was 5.