I grew up in a very competitive family. My parents set up trivia questions for us to answer at every turn - at dinner, in the car, etc. I grew to hate these, not because I didn't like to learn, but because, being the youngest, I almost never beat my siblings. To this day, I see the world (to a lesser extent now)as a competition.

I have preached to my children that life is NOT a competition. Maybe I'm over-compensating, but I think we should teach kids to compete not against each other, but compete to learn the most they can, to improve their knowledge base, or improve the time it takes to complete math sheets, or better swim times, or....you get the idea.

How about challenging her in math subjects they aren't studying in school right now - probability, number theory, algebraic concepts? That way, she wouldn't be competing against anyone else in her class, but would regain her love of math. Make sense?