I've posted this question here as I know a lot of people's little ones have just started K.

I'm wondering if anyone has chosen the 'regular' path i.e. child starts K at the appropriate time, according to the relevant birthday cut-off; Teacher assignment takes place without parent intervention; School is otherwise unaware how 'special' your child is (until they see them in action, of course!)?

In our situation, DS will be able to start regular fulltime Kindergarten aged 4.75. His WPPSI score was in the MG range but he wasn't even 2.5 years old when that was done, so it's pretty much irrelevant. (For those wondering, the IQ testing was an unexpected result of DS's appointment with the psych for behavior issues, and she does want to retest prior to school). I guess what DH and I are trying to determine at this stage is whether there'll be any point in discussing DS with the school, prior to him attending? We've had no need to 'do' anything with his preschool so far - they've noticed, and they just try to increase the intellectual stimulation for him where they can. Is it possible it will work that way for Kindergarten, too? Or am I being way too optimistic?