Now that we are back into homeschooling, I really need to see how I can best help DS6 with his handwriting issues due to his Dyspraxia. His OT at school has told us that she will drop him to consultation basis instead of his normal session each week with her as stated on his IEP since we are homeschooling and I was a little miffed at this...his needs are still the same whether he homeschools or is in a public school classroom - it is very clear that he is struggling with writing and fine motor we are teaching him typing skills and had thought about jumping into teaching him cursive through Handwriting without tears....he knows how to form all his letters but it honestly looks like chicken sratch - I know that cursive is easier for many people to write because it flows and is easier on your hand muscles to produce. Anyone had luck trying to introduce cursive early to help with handwriting issues?