kcab - that is what has been on my mind for the last few weeks - I really wish that more people were aware of what SO many people on this board go through on a daily basis just to get our kid's needs met. everyone on here is so dedicated to their children and are wanting to advocate for their kids and it is just so difficult. I am a member of a gifted society on the other side of our state and I love the group of moms who started the support group and its the same story with all of them as well - and then all the books I have read stating the same thing. It is just so frustrating because I would really love to see DS succeed in a public school and I know all it would take is the right connection with a teacher who had some knowledge about gifted children and a desire to help a child shine. The one interesting thing that I have learned in the past few weeks is that if I ever go back into teaching again, there are a number of things I would change. I have been pondering going back to get my gifted endorsement just so I can understand DS better and maybe try to be a voice. My husband has laughed and told me to sit and write a book about all the stories/successes/failures of all the many families out there with gifted children.
I just feel this need to just get the picture out to people in higher powers to see just how so many of us are struggling to get these amazing kids the things they need.