I loved JD's post. What a wonderful way to start of the year by recognizing the triumphs and tramas of the previous year and looking forward to both the fights and successes of the coming school year.

Today, I sent DS off to his last first day of Elem school. After hearing DS (10) discuss what he was looking forward to, and what made him anxious about the coming school year these past couple weeks, I know we have alot of battles ahead. Some DS will have solve himself, others his father and I may be able to help smooth the way. With our state writing assessment in the Spring, this year will be writing intensive. This will be a big challenge for DS since he struggles with handwriting and we still cannot get accommodations for typing or dictation. Also a challenge will be his teacher. She is very nice and overall a very good teacher but does not seem to understand that accelleration does not mean do every problem assigned but do 2-3 times as much work per night as the rest of the class. On the positive side, she was his math teacher last year so we aren't starting from square 1, his gifted teacher is wonderful and DS is starting out the year with a desire to do well.

Good luck to all in the coming school year!