OK guys here goes...

LAW: Right now every child is set with 6 review exercises as the default on the program. This can be changed, personal choice. The options are 1-15 exercises. I went back and checked that specifically, not minutes, exercises.

The instructional mode can only be changed in math and is one or the other. Reinforcement is the standard for the stand alone program, the other options is for less instruction such as when using the program as a supplement for topics already taught or someone who needs little or no instruction in math. This can be changed say to the advanced setting when reviewing to grade level for the student and then set to reinforcement once the child reaches new material. Parental choice at this point, just email me with change requests. (Please include the child's name, I'm having to email back a number of parents with different last names.)

I am wondering if you need to click multiple times to submit and answer because students have gotten used to the second chance option on the math side? Again, I haven't been in this side of the program so I'm guessing here. I need to try and do that just to control my curiosity at this point.

There is no trial available. Demo lessons and exercises are available from the main EPGY website.

Hope that helps a little.

EPGY OE Volunteer Group Leader