I feel like such a nit picker sometimes but DS15mons has been trying to learn how to speak properly, he loves copying us and has to do everything exactly the same. So I'm parroting over & over again the same words, I know I'm not supposed to correct him when he tries to speak but he's really trying. With his favourite words like Tractor (we live rurally), he spent 30 minutes one day just going "ac" "ac" "ac". Of course it took me forever to figure out what he was doing until he came out with "TRACTOR!" (he was practising the "ac" part which he couldn't say before then).

He's lost his Ts again and is getting frustrated saying "ac or" "ac or" over and over when he seems them go by.

Anyone have suggestions for Phonics games?

Last edited by Nes; 08/20/09 11:23 AM.