I would love to hear some IEP ideas.

MY DS9 will be going into 3rd Grade. He did the Woodcock Johnson Achievement test and his is average 9th Grade across subjects with writing skills at 3rd Grade level. He is immature for his age. Teachers & I agree he should not go up a grade.

Here's the plan for this year.
They will let him do 5th Grade while remaining with his class. His teacher has time to help with Math questions. He can get out his math puzzle books if done early.

They will give him the choice to read higher level books to be tested on the computer. They must read 50.

He has a choice to write a paragraph rather than a sentence for his cursive writing practice. Although, he did beatifully with his writing last year, he says he hates cursive.

They are open to him reading if he gets done early with his school work.

He may do some independent studies and presentations during this school year. They are to be done during the school day when he is done with work early. He likes science and has lots of interests. This gave him something to be excited about learning last year. It was very open ended.

They will pull him out with a group two times a week for 20 Minutes each time for math and reading enrichment program. He likes this.

Last year, he was very bored of already knowing the information or having to review too much. His teacher was very creative with supporting art projects and spelling and math competions that made the pracitce Homework more meaningful. I helped with Art once a week. He tuned out during art instructions he didn't need. He failed tests last year from zoning out. He sharpened many pecils down to little bits. Right now we need to stay in this school and make the best of it. The teacher says his plan can be flexible.

The goal is to challenge while let him feel apart of his peer group. So far the kids seem to look up to him for being smart in our neighborhood and school. I hope this will last. He's good at sports so that helps him connect with the other boys although social is hard at times. They say he is the very top student in his grade. I'm thnking they won't be teaching to his level. He learns very quickly and has not needed to study in the past.

I'm looking for ideas that will not be too much for the teacher. Please make sugggestions.