...well we had our first 20 minute meeting with DS6's First grade teacher and I am scared and worried out of my mind....he homeschooled last year and asked to try school this year....we met to discuss his needs and when I showed the private testing results (achievement and IQ testing) showing he was clearly above grade leve (they said he would be qualified for the one day a week pull out gifted program)...but when I asked about subject acceleration (which the psych clearly wrote at the front of the report) they said that he would have to prove his behavior was okay before allowing him to go up to another grade...when I tried to inform them that he was very clearly past first grade in reading and math and what would they do to keep him challenged until he could be moved up...the response was that he would have to review end of K stuff just like all the other kids......when will these crazy people ever get what gifted kids need....if he is not kept challenged he will absolutely either shut down or become a behavior problem...so it's a catch...if he doesn't behave he can't move up....but if he isn't kept at his working level, he will misbehave...ARGGHH! School starts tomorrow - send prayers our way :-)