my son will be 3yrs old in sept. and he is always whineing crying and constantly all day says "i need mommy i need mommy" over and over he is scared of everything... when he is upset he chew on his hands which now have bite/scratch marks all over them from his teeth when i take him nar adults he doesnt know he covers his eyes with his arm and hides he doesnt act like a normal shy child though he looks more like a kicked puppy when he does it if an adult he doesnt know says anything that sounds even remotly negitive he hides behind his arm again...on the other hand when put around kids even 10-13yr (exspecialy older kids actually) olds he is incredibly outgoing in fact at the playground he just takes off and is often seen playing with MUCH older kids the whole time..
he also seems to have attention ploblems not sure if he is just imature in someways or if there is something wrong like i said he does amazingly well with older kids he also speaks very well and has a large vocab which seems to be a strong area in general with my kids....

my husband says i coddle him but i dont think i do i dont treat him any different then his 2 sisters i do comfort him when he crys which is often but what am i supposed to do ignore him when hes crying??

anybody else have anything like this going on?
or any knowledge or info or advice that would help??