Originally Posted by onthegomom
My DS9 in 3rd grade will skip ahead in to 5th grade math. Does anyone know it if there is anything unique in 3rd and 4th Grade that he would only learn in those years? Some one told me that Roman Numerials are one of those unique examples.
Our son will be starting 4th in a few weeks, but will be doing 5th gr math. Just to add some continuity, I've had him working through the 4th grade curriculum in ALEKS just to make sure there weren't any surprises around the corner.

As we've looked at much of it together, there's a fair amount of stuff that is not covered in 3rd (at least not here in CA), so I'd say the time investment in ALEKS was worth it.

While he wouldn't have struggled without it, he'll definitely have an easier time with the 4th curriculum under his belt.

And, unless your child has the multiplication/division facts down cold, the "QuickTables" in ALEKS is a must as well. The 5th grade curric is expecting a greater degree of automaticity in Mult/Div that comes with the add'l year of practice and the "QuickTables" program does an awesome job of zeroing in on any problem areas.

Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house. - Fran Lebowitz