Here are a couple of the conflict resolution methods described, haven't had need to deploy them yet:
the disagreeing parties are asked to list out every single possible solution to a problem, without preconceived notions, and then discuss the likely outcomes of each and then together pick the best one. Have not tried this method, but it is good to have ds exposed to the concepts.

Conflict resolution method 2 - person 1 says 'I have a concern' and lists concern, such as 'you haven't started your homework and it has to get done.'.
person 2 is then allowed to state their concern, such as '
I hate it, it's boring', whatever. Everyone's concern is considered valid, the child is allowed to have 5 or 10 minutes to brainstorm to try to come up with a creative solution. If they can't come up with a solution, the other person is allowed to come up with one.
This is supposed to help both people feel heard and that can go a long way towards bring people together to a solution.

One tip for practicing not interrupting, which we tried in the parents class and was sort of excruciating but funny too (and I'm pretty sure I've read this one before): the person speaking holds a small thing like a ball or salt shaker, if others want to speak they have to have the token object to be allowed.
We tried this with hilarious results at home, it was enjoyable anyway.

Wasn't sure if your main concerns are social skills or other issues...hope some of these help.

Last edited by chris1234; 07/31/09 10:14 AM.