My DS9 is in Indian Guides which is monthly and one sport at a time that has 2 week day nightly practices and 1 sat. I think that is enough if they feel content. We live in a neighborhood with lots of kids. My son enjoys books, toy race track, rockenbock, computers games (30 mins. limits a wk day, 1 hr wk end) We try to get outside to play after dinner. I say start with this as a plan and see if your child is content. When we have been over scheduled in the past it bugs him. I also remeber my daughter asking, When can I do a show for her and had to anwser in 4 days. That made me stop and think, save time for the little stuff. I try to limit to one child activity a day so I can get some house stuff done. My kids are not bored very much. When they say they are bored, I say use your creative brain to come up with an idea or offer a activity that has been put away for a while. I want the kids to feel good at home and not always run around. Hope this helps