I figured this would be a good place to start. I'm a little uncomfortable about this, so bear with me.

Little Bear (2.5) has always been a VERY intense baby. He has almost the vocabulary of his almost 5 yr probably HG brother (if not the pronunciation skills) as well as close to the same physical skills (gross motor). He is VERY shy and does not do well at all in crowds. He has been having off the chart tantrums since he was 6 months or less, screaming at the top of his lungs until he is hoarse or sobbing so hard he can barely breathe for 1/2 to over an hour. Very little things will set him off. Things have to be just right or he simply can't deal with them. He also has asthma and allergies and has had one round of eczema.

I've worked with kids in daycare and teaching environments and I have never seen a little guy like this before. Big Brother is nothing at all like this.

Since he started chiropractic (for various reasons) there has been an astounding change in his tantrums. They have gone from 5-10 a day down to 1-2 and he is handling them better. This is literally an almost overnight change. The chiropractor said that it isn't unheard of for chiropractic to help autistic children and children with other similar issues.

I'm just wondering, those of you out there with 2e kids does Little Bear sound like he has enough red flags that I should look into getting him examined? The pediatrician has said that he is at the extreme end of normal, but still normal, however that was before all of this with the chiropractor so I'm sort of looking for experienced outside opinions... Thanks in advance!