I think we all go through this questioning and re-questioning of whether it's productive, worthwhile, necessary to drive ourselves batty over the kids' education and needs. Yes, we survived and at least my parents barely gave my educational needs a second thought...Maybe it's because we thought things could have been better for us that we make the effort for our kiddos. I hate:

1. Hearing from others, "Let kids just be kids..."
2. Inference of "that's what we've always done and it's worked for everyone else...just look at ___ (gifted child who has 'succeeded').
3. Feeling like others see me as "pushy mom" when I'm really taking the lead from my kids (because I definitely could find other things to entertain myself and don't particularly revel in being thought of in that way)
4. Recent counselor's concern about being more worried about my kid being "normal" and not a geek (isn't that beyond her purvue?--besides, my kid is VERY cool and non-geekish, trend-setting, self-confident, fashionable, latest music, etc...if she only got to know him a little and didn't stereotype smart, accelerated kids)
5. My own inability to relax about it and not plague myself with worry about each kid's needs

My own education was lacking. Public schools in Philadelphia had whole months of strikes, not to mention the dozens of days I skipped school because it was boring--and still graduated 9th of over 400. Of course I was up to no good when I skipped...my DH was similarly engaged across the country--so that's why I think it IS worthwhile and necessary to be addressing educational deficiencies for our kids.

(Does this make sense or does it sound like babble? It's early in this time zone and I'm not sure I'm awake yet--but still fiery about the issues!)